Iron vs Steamer

Advancements in technology is to bring ease and comfort in everyone’s life with the latest innovations. The way of using any tech-gadget (you name it), has been modified and is continuously changing. For instance; iron vs steamer from our daily life, we had seen the era when there were irons introduced that worked on pressure and heat perspective but not with electric support but rather with hot coals. As the irons kept undergoing the innovations, the electrically powered and corded ones were introduced but again the notion behind these irons was working from a pressure and heat perspective. Later on we encountered another huge shift of perspective from pressure and heat to steam and heat, where heat was still the major element. When steamers were introduced, the major concern was the fabric material on which the steamers were intended to be used. But a lay man often confuses these two terms; iron vs steamer. Let’s discuss more about the two machines to unfold more information and purpose of iron as well as a steamer.


One Liner Crisp Choice

Iron vs steamer is a clear and apparent choice that can be chosen depending on fabric material. If you want one for silk, chiffon, or delicate clothes and dresses then a steamer is an ideal choice. If you want it for heavy clothes like cotton or denim etc then an iron will do the job more suitably.


What is the difference between an iron or a steamer?

Iron or a steamer, both appliances are mainly used to eliminate spotted or unsightly wrinkles from the clothes. But there are genuine differences that set the two far apart in features and requirements. Most people count the two appliances under the same demand but both, iron and steamer have different purposes of usage which we will discuss down here.


Irons are almost in triangular shape with an iron-based leveled plate that heats up with power and pressure to eliminate any wrinkles from the clothes. The irons are heavy in weight and work by applying pressure and heat together on the fabric to make it wrinkle-free. And that’s why ironing the clothes with the help of an iron is often called ‘pressing’. Although, there are different fabric materials that demand separate treatments for vanishing the fabric crimps. For instance delicate clothes or fabric like silk, garget, chifon, linen, etc need extra care that’s why pressing or ironing is not suggested for the delicate or fancy dresses. Such fabric material needs steam to settle the crease. Moreover, There are brands that mention suggested temperature for specific fabric materials beneath the iron handle.  



Pros of using an iron

Cons of using an iron

        A handy appliance that reduces wrinkles to zero because of pressure factor.

        It works effectively on heavier fabrics like denim, canvas and cotton.

        Iron is ideal for making crisp pleats, cuffs, hems and creases.

        Another ideal usage of iron is for sewing projects. Whether quilting or dressmaking, iron works perfectly on seams.

        Ironing clothes can be a little tiresome because of a little weight.

        Ironing boards consume too much extra space.

        The wrong temperature can be harmful to the fabrics.

        Delicate or fancy fabrics often come with the suggestion to avoid ironing because that can tear or burn the material. 


Tips to iron your clothes

  •       Always consider the suggested temperature speed for specific clothes fabrics.
  •       Use an iron board with a smooth  well-balanced surface and put a muslin cloth or an iron cover over the dress to avoid direct contact of iron and fabric intended to be pressed.
  •       Do not rest the iron powered on over a cloth, keep gliding the iron from corner to corner or otherwise switch off for making it rest at any point.
  •       The steam irons are a combo of irons and steamers. They release the evaporated steam from holes in the bottom pressing plate and work from a little distance to the fabric.
  •       Iron works best on damp clothes and eliminates wrinkles from fabric up to 100 percent.
  •       If you use a steam iron, try to avoid tap water and instead use distilled water.


A steamer is basically an appliance that throws hot steam which is applied to clothes  from a little distance so the crinkles can be reduced. The steamers usually get your clothes wrinkle-free, consuming least possible time and almost effortlessly (well, at least in my personal opinion). Whereas, the iron needs external pressure to its handle, which is a tiresome job and takes more time to eliminate the crease from the fabrics. The steamers are designed in a very handy way so that the weight of the steamer doesn’t give you ache.


Pros of using a steamer

Cons of using a steamer

        First off, you won’t need an iron board in case of a steamer.

        Secondly, it’s less likely to damage any fabric.

         Thirdly and most importantly, the new latest models of steamers allow streaming on longer seams that are pretty hard to iron and with much lesser effort.

        Steamers just like iron have limited capacity over variation in fabric material.

        These are not ideal for eliminating wrinkles from pleats or cuffs and creases or mainly in any sewing procedure-related project. 



Tips to steam your clothes

  •       Make sure to test a patch of your steam intended cloth for any coloring leakage as moisture can make the color shift or release at some point.
  •       Only steam those clothes that are tagged with the suggestion to be steamed only. Applying this much heat temperature can damage and blow the seams of jackets.
  •       Steam only the surface of clothes that can tolerate high temperatures.


Irons vs. steamers; which one is the right choice?

The answer to it depends on what kind of clothes you usually work on. Or what do you actually prioritize about this heavily utilized appliance? There can be several perspectives that can be counted while selecting an iron or a steamer as perfectly suitable and just according to one’s need. We are listing a few briefly.



First off, we all know whether irons or steamers are both appliances that are used heavily in almost everyone’s daily routine. Choosing one considering all the comfort it brings will make it completely fruitful. Convenience also means that either your appliance is handy or not, it should not be heavy for the arm, and also look for the control options it allows including speed control and temperature.The steamers are quite handy and portable too while irons provide more temperature and speed control options.

      Energy Consumption

Secondly, the latest irons and steamers are not heavy-electricity consumers. Both take almost the same amount of charge to perform yet the only difference is that steamers are comparatively faster in removing the wrinkles than irons. Back in time, the older versions of electric irons used to consume much electricity but not anymore because of inverter installation in the latest iron models, the fear has gone.

      Fabric Material

Another major element is the fabric that you are using, maybe the fabric you use is not good for steaming as it might leak the colors. Because the steam works by loosening  the fibers to remove wrinkles from the cloth surface. And in case of using an iron, the heat and persistent pressure on a delicate cloth can burn or damage the cloth permanently. So choose your appliance depending on fabric material for which you need one.


Last but not the least, Speed of your appliance can turn your job done a lot faster as well as it can dumb your whole clothing piece too. There should be an adjustment option in speed and temperature controls to keep the iron or steamer work without harming the fabric. Most irons suggest suitable speed and temperature for different fabric materials that is a helpful guide for beginners.


Last Words; Irons vs Steamers-Which one is the best?

Although you should consider iron or steamer right according to your personal requirement, choice and preference. But still we find it important to tell our choice and that is a steamer. It allows the right temperature and speed for the specific cloth type. There are less to no chances of getting your fabric material burnt because of direct contact with the heat as the steamer works from a maintained distance. And it’s handy and portable. One can take around a steamer on the go. That’s all what makes us in favor of steamers comparatively more than irons. What about you?

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