How To Thread A Singer Simple Sewing MachineThe Easy Way

Threading a simple sewing machine is an easy task. If you are a beginner in sewing then you might find it a bit difficult to thread the machine for the first time but after a few unsuccessful tries and some effort. You will get it right.

Considering how beginners love Singer simple machines for their ease of use, we decided to teach you all how to thread a Singer simple sewing machine. The process is fairly simple but the trick lies in doing everything in the right order.

This is why, before we jump onto the steps for threading a singer, we will explain the process of threading the singer’s simple bobbin.

So, let us move, shall we?

How Do You Thread A Bobbin On A Singer Simple Sewing Machine?

Threading a bobbin on a Singer simple sewing machine is even easier than threading the top. To start with, raise the needle bar and press the foot.

The sewing machine comes with an instructional manual that gets you through the process step-by-step, so make sure to go through it before you begin and follow these steps afterward:


1.  Place The Spool On The Spool Pin

When threading a bobbin, the first step is to put the thread spool on the pin.

2. Pass The Bobbin Thread Through The Hole In The Bobbin Case

Make sure that the thread is passing through the thread guide hole in the bobbin case. Pull 4-5 inches of thread and place it on top so that you can easily see where the next step is happening.

3. Bring Up The Bobbin Thread And Insert It Through The Hole In The Side Of The Bobbin Case

This is the hole that you see in the bobbin case, which comes up from underneath. Make sure that the thread has gone through this hole before proceeding to the next step.

4. Draw The Bobbin Thread Up To Tighten It

Pull the bobbin thread up and secure it under the presser foot. This will tighten the thread.

5. Insert The Bobbin Into The Case And Pull Out 5 Inches Of Bobbin Thread

Now, insert the bobbin into its slot in such a way that you can see 5 inches of bobbin thread coming out of the thread guide hole. Pull it out and you’re done with the bobbin threading part.

6. Bring The Bobbin Thread From Behind And Tie It With Sewing Machine Thread In A Square Knot

Now, bring the bobbin thread from behind and tie it with the sewing machine thread in a square knot. Make sure that it is tight enough so that the bobbin thread doesn’t come out when you start sewing.

Now, let us move on to how you can thread a Singer simple machine top.


Steps To Thread A Singer Simple Sewing Machine?

As we mentioned earlier in this article, you should learn how to thread a bobbin before you try learning how to thread the sewing machine top. So, now that you know the bobbin threading art, let us move to the main point:

1.   Raise The Presser Foot And Needle

This is the first and foremost thing to do in order to thread your machine: raise its presser foot and needle so that you can easily see the hole for threading.

2.   Insert The Bobbin In Its Place

Now, insert the bobbin from behind into the bobbin case. Make sure that it has gone under the spring before proceeding forward with your work.

3.   Place The Spool Of Thread On The Spool Pin

To the right of the machine, you will see a small pin with a wheel. Place your thread spool on this pin and pull about 4 inches of thread out of it.

4. Draw The Thread Across The Top Of The Presser Foot And Over To The Left Side

Now, draw the thread across the top of the presser foot and over to the left side so that you can tie it up with a bobbin thread from underneath, from where it needs to be pulled up in order for sewing to happen.

  1.   Tie A Square Knot With Both Threads And Draw Them Through The Tunnel In Front Of Your Needle

Now push both threads through the tunnel which is placed in front of your needle. This tunnel is one of the main reasons why a Singer simple sewing machine’s work becomes easier because it allows you to tie a square knot and easily sew a straight line.

6. Pull The Threads Taut And Hook Them Over The Top Of Your Needle Plate

Once you’ve done this, pull the threads tight enough that they hook over the top of your needle plate. It should be tightened enough so that stitches can form without any hassles.

7. Pull Out 5 Inches Of Thread From Under The Presser Foot

Now, lift up your presser foot and look through its hole from below in order to make sure that you are pulling out five inches of thread from under it. This will prepare you for sewing.

8. Lower The Presser Foot And Pull Out The Threads To Begin Your Work

Once you have done this, lower the presser foot and begin your sewing by gently pulling out the threads from either side so that they can be tight without breaking.

How To Thread A Singer Simple Machine Using An Automatic Threader?

You can thread your machine yourself without any help. However, if you’re not able to do it easily, then the automatic threader will come in handy.

An automatic threader pulls out the lower thread for you and then brings the upper one into play so that two threads are passing through the needle at all times. This makes your work easier and faster by 50%.

Let’s learn how to use a Singer simple machine with an automatic threader:

  1. Press The Thread Releasing Lever And Remove The Bobbin Case Cover
  2. Pull Out The Bobbin Winder And Spread Its Wing
  3. Place Your Needle Thread Through The Slot Of the Automatic Threader And Pull It Forward
  4.   Pull Out The Upper Thread From Your Needle And Insert It In The Slot Of the Automatic Threader
  5. Keep Pulling The Threads As You Guide Them Into Their Respective Holes
  6. Insert Your Bobbin Into Its Case, Close Its Cover, And Lower The Feed Dog Lever
  7.   Push the Button To Raise Presser Foot And Continue With Your Sewing 

Tips For Perfectly Threading A Machine

If you want to get the best out of your Singer simple machine, here are some points that you need to keep in mind about how to thread it perfectly:

1.  Make Sure That You Cut The Right Length Of Thread

This is one of the most important things that you need to keep in mind while threading a sewing machine. As we mentioned before, never cut more than five inches of thread length because this amount can be easily drawn through its tunnel and tied up with bobbin thread. If you cut longer lengths then it will end up becoming entangled inside the machine’s mechanism and create problems while working on heavy or medium-weight fabrics.

2.  Use Sharp Needles for Sewing Machine Threading

You need to stick to using only Singer simple machine needles when the time for sewing comes. Do not use dull or old ones because their eyes cannot catch and hold the top and bobbin thread properly and this will lead to a lot of problems while sewing!

3.  Place Your Thread Spool In The Right Direction

You also need to keep in mind that the thread spool needs to be placed in the right direction before sewing can happen. You need to place it so that it rotates clockwise because only then will you be able to use your machine’s automatic threader for sewing purposes successfully.

4.    Adjust The Tension Of the Top And Bobbin Thread

It is also necessary that you do a bit of adjustment with the top and bobbin thread tension in order to get accurate results. Do not tighten the slotted screws too much or they will break off from over-tension. You can tighten them just enough so that they have enough space to rotate freely within their place without causing any trouble.

5.    Keep A Check On Top And Bobbin Threads

You need to keep a constant check on top and bobbin threads because left unattended can cause lots of problems while sewing with a Singer simple machine. Make sure that they are correctly threaded into their places, otherwise, problems like skipped stitches, loose stitching, and bad-quality work will be inevitable!


Now that you know how to thread a Singer simple machine, we hope that your experience with it is going to be great and you will not face any more problems like skipped stitches or bad quality work.

We hope that you can enjoy perfect working results every time you use the machine for your projects.

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